Trade shows are being canceled. Face-to-face sales calls are dwindling. Travel options are limited and getting more so by the day. To say we are in uncertain times during the novel coronavirus global pandemic is an understatement. Anxiety leaves businesses across all sectors wondering how to keep increasing sales despite these new and evolving challenges. The answer is simple: Stop waiting and start embracing other marketing strategies aimed at reaching your prospects.

More than Staying Afloat

Today’s businesses need to be resilient in order to weather the current storm. Thinking of just waiting for it to pass? Think again. We’re flying blind at the moment with no certainty regarding the length or extent of the outbreak. This means that businesses must continue to generate revenue now or risk extinction.

The good news? This too will pass.

While the competition is frozen with anxiety, take advantage with action.

Even with face-to-face contact with customers and prospects at a minimum, there are some steps you can take to stay top-of-mind and make your brand known. These include communicating of your products and services through a variety of digital marketing methods including the following:

Speaking of websites, yours becomes even more important when traditional sales meetings and trade shows are impossible. This is especially relevant for businesses in the industrial and manufacturing space. As global supply chains continue to be interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, building your business will depend on a current, user-friendly, and searchable website. Online order forms, easily accessible contact information, and FAQs all help build brand awareness, boost credibility and drive sales.

Creativity is Key

In addition to amping up your usual inbound marketing efforts, it’s also vital to create alternate prospecting strategies. Video marketing and video conference calls are two inexpensive yet effective ways for your sales team to reach customers digitally when they can’t be on the road.

One last thing to keep in mind if you’re hesitating about spending money in a precarious economic landscape? With trade shows costing in the neighborhood of $50K-$100K, you can put these recouped costs toward alternate sales and marketing tactics. Not to mention that you don’t have to go it alone. If you need help building a cohesive and results-oriented marketing plan, contact the industrial marketing experts at Gotham today.


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Industrial Marketing Company - Gotham | NC, SC, GA, TN, VA

905 Hwy 321 NW Ste. 218 | Hickory, NC 28601

Located in Hickory, North Carolina, Gotham is an industrial marketing firm providing advertising and marketing for manufacturers nationwide, as well as locally the Hickory, Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh, Greenville and Spartanburg, NC, SC, VA, TN and GA regions.

Site designed by Industrial Marketing Firm: Gotham, LLC