Mass marketing is not as effective as it once was. It had its heyday when we had a choice of three major channels on TV and limited options for mass media otherwise.
We’re all but immune to the huge campaigns that bombard us from every angle, especially since we know that the same message is going out to millions of people and it has little or nothing to do with us.
But, when personal correspondence is received, we immediately take notice, because it involves us as individuals.
Target Marketing leverages personalization by delivering a marketing message so perfectly focused on your prospect as an individual, it impacts them on an emotional level.
Target marketing combines the most personal of messaging channels – direct mail and e-mail – with powerful personalization, including PURLs (Personalized URLs) and careful measurement of the results, to create incredibly effective marketing campaigns.
To accomplish this, start with this checklist of necessary items:
By fine-tuning the customer demographic, you understand the ideal prospect’s motivation, and messages can be crafted to meet those needs. Expert marketers use “A-B” testing of marketing messages to understand which messages are most compelling to a demographic.
By matching the target demographic with your database of leads, the list can be narrowed to those targets most likely to respond to your messages. This results in significant cost savings over time.
A solid e-blast program like Constant Contact, AWeber or MailChimp offers list segmentation, which will be invaluable in organizing your target marketing campaigns.
Finally, comprehensive analytics – available through the e-blast program or Google analytics for online campaigns, allows you to continue to define the campaign until it is converting incredibly well.
If any of this sounds foreign to you, and you’re interested in a full turnkey solution to your target marketing needs, contact Gotham Strategic, target marketing experts.